CAPCollege of American Pathologists
COLAThe Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation
CLIAClinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
Our Compliance Program
Initial Accreditation
Inspection preparation can be an overwhelming process. LabPanther is here to ensure you pass your initial inspection and maintain that accreditation. We can help you decrease the time required to complete the application / submittal process in order to get your lab up and running (and producing revenue) as quickly as possible.
Quality Management
Be prepared for you Inspection! Take the guesswork out of whether you have all of the requirements to pass a CLIA, COLA or CAP inspection. We are experienced in all types of inspections and can help you ensure your laboratory will meet all of the accrediting agency’s requirements. We can be with you every step of the way, including the submission of your follow-up documentation.
Compliance & Regulatory Review
Stay up to date with all of the new laboratory regulations. Ensure your lab is always compliant and understands and adheres to all Laboratory Regulations.